viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

Music for you.

The presence of social media is something obvious nowadays in every topic.
Whatever you may want to do, you will have to use social media to get known and, somehow, get what you expect from that thing. 
However, how powerful can be social media in music?
I will explain you an example made with one of the most famous Djs all over the world: Avicii.

Universal Music made an experiment which was called Avicii x You to show how greatly powerful could be social media. The online music community were asked to collaborate with Avicii by uploading their own musical contributions in five sessions over five weeks in order to create the next Avicii's single and doing what was world’s largest music collaboration.

Avicii (Source: Electronicamx )

By the end of the project, a total number of 4,199 producers from 140 countries contributed with 12 850 sounds. The campaign was featured by worldwide media - online, offline and radio. It was mentioned over 20,000 times on Twitter with #aviciixyou and earned 3,3 million views on YouTube – with a total media reach of over 100 million and counting.

After this, do you still doubting of social media's power? If I were you, I would not.

Loreto Sesma Gotor.

Flying on Social Media

Now everyone has accounts in some social networks, a kind of social media. Here, people are more opened to other people; to share content is the principal aim; and companies know it. Having a positioned brand is very important, as the purpose of every company is to be in the consumer's life/mind/heart. Yes, I have written 'heart'. It is not sufficient to occupy the mind of the consumer, it has to exist an emotional connection between company and consumer.

Places where the brands want to be. Source: Self-produced

Futhermore, social media presence is very cheap, or even free if you create a good strategy. Today I have brought you one example.

# Air Asia flying on Facebook
Air Asia, a secondary brand of Malaysian Airlines, wanted to promote their new flights from Australia to Malaysia. The problem was that it was an unknow company and the competence was much stronger than them. Also, they had not money to launch a big advertising campaign and the time was too short. They decided to launch a social media campaign.

They created a Facebook campaign, in which they raffled a free flight from Australia to Malaysia. To enter to the competition, fans had to select 302 friends to fill an Airbus plane. If you won, you and your 302 friends could fly free and stay in Kuala Lumpur three nights.

Results? They doubled the number of flights; their Facebook fans grew 30%; 2 million people participated in their Facebook campaign; the public relations created was estimated to be valued in $1.5 million.

The key facts were that they created something viral; offered something free; and was very social, so the people were highly involved.

The announcement to participate. Property of Air Asia

Do you think Air Asia achieved their objective? Obviously. They did a viral campaign investing much less money than others do in creating big strategies on TV, printed ads,...  

There are thousands of social media campaigns. Do you know some different? Post a comment!

Iñigo Taibo
Advertising and PR

Sundance on the Social Media

Each time society is paving its own way within the technological world. Technologies are a really important part of our daily lives and social media, specifically, let us be connected and participate of every service that the network provide us. Every aspect of life can now take part of this world, also cinema, trough the usage os social media platforms. 

For Americas cinema the network has meant the increase of audience to whom direct their messages and suggestions, the introduction of platforms where they can be in contact with people and tell them about their films…  after all they are the ones who are going to watch their films. Thus, for actors, producers and even film festivals its really important to be connected with people, and let them take part of important decisions as users and consumers, and its what social media its letting nowadays. 

One of American cinemas most acclaimed section and which has benefited the most of this immersion in the social media are the film festivals. They are benefitting themselves of many social media websites the internet provides, as for example the  Sundance Film Festival, one of the most “Connected” film festival in the world. 
 This festivals most used media platform is Facebook, which allows producers to have and immediate contact with its followers, ask them questions, inform them with new updates about the ceremony, show them pictures of latest edition, and also let them comment on their personal timeline leaving their opinions. 

Other platform its Twitter, which allows easy accessibility between the user and the organizing comitee. It also allows followers to stay updated with the latest news, latest events, or new american films premiers. User can directly and instantly communicate with the festival and make suggestions, about who to nominate, which was the most well dressed, opinions about the winners.. 
The festival also has Youtube channel, where they upload videos with interviews to the nominates, to directors, to actors or actresses, also trailers, unseen scenes…  
Its Instagram account its also a really frequented one, it has more than 27k followers, which can see pictures and videos about the preparation of the festival, the ceremony itself, funny selfies took by actors during the ceremony, the awards before the delivery…

The festival its also on Pinterest, Kickstarter, Tumblr, Google+,… Which show us that in this technologized world its really important to introduce ourselves in the net, just to let people introduce themselves in the project and create an experience, which would let people enjoy with their contents.  

Paula Ezcurra
Audiovisual Communication

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

Sports Big Four

We've already learnt that sports in USA are a way of life. Of course, life is developing, and social media are know an important resource to get to know sports news better. In this post, we've chosen the four social media that cover the most important sports in the States: basketball, football, hockey and soccer. We'll focus on Youtube channels and Instagram accounts, having taken into consideration that Twitter offical accounts were dealt in previous posts (11 sport's platforms not to be missed).

First of all, we'll start with basketball. NBA is the most known basketball brand, not only in America but in the whole world. They're currently updating in their youtube channel, they have more than 5.8 million subscribers due to their daily uploads. They post every summary, top 10 of the week, advertisements... One of them is in the frontal page nowadays.

Everybody up: Roll call. Source: Creative Commons Search

Also, they're active in Instragram. @nba, with more than 3.7 million followers. Not only do they post photos, but also videos of NBA teams training, they also cover the national basketball team,

In terms of football, NFL doesn't have a fluent youtube channel, CBS Sports channel are in charge of the full coverage of this national sport. They count with 30,000 subscribers and 8,500 followers in Instagram (@cbssports). However, @nfl counts with more than 2 million followers, so they should consider opening a youtube channel.

Soccer is mainly held in MLS (Major League Soccer), with a youtube branch with no more than 180,000 suscribers and 118,00 followers on @mls. We can see in this statistics the difference between NBA and MLS. However, they advertise themselves quite accurately. 

"MLS is here". Sourse: Creative Commons Search

Last but not least, hockey is represented in the National Hockey League, NHL, with almost half a million suscribers in their channel and 611,000 followers on their Instagram account @nhl. Surely, it's the best way to be updated in terms of hockey.

Tomás Orihuela