viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

Recap of the experience: We will always have the movies

The great Charles Chaplin once said “Time is the best author. It always writes the perfect ending”.

When i read this quote i considered it perfect for this entry as this blog has reached to its end. It has been a really good experience writing all this entries until we reached, as said by the huge Chaplin, the perfect ending. I wouldn't trust anyone which would told me months ago that this would pass by so fast. As American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne said “time flies over us but leaves its shadow behind”, and that shadow it’s all the reward that we take from this blog. 

Chaplin, a legend of american cinema. Source:

What better than looking back to the beginning, and making a global impression of the experience of managing a blog for saying goodbye to it? I personally consider that it has been a really good experience, a hard and constant work but that i have really enjoyed a lot, as i have been writing about one of my passions, Cinema. 
Writing a blog its a very gratifying activity, my mates and i have been able to prove it, you not only get fluency writing but you learn a lot searching information, information that you enjoy reading about. You learn how to use new media, we are all surrounded by it but we don't know how to use it at all. You also interact with people and you get involved in something really worth, you create a common project where you get implicate, which gives you responsibility and the sense of discipline. 

The first entry was about my relation with cinema, where this passion came from and why did i choose to talk about this, everything goes in the genes and this is really in mines. In the second entry i talked about the tribute that Barack Obama made of the epic film “ How to kill a mockingbird”, one of the most important films of american cinema. I also wrote about the best online sources and social media where you can read about american cinema with the security of reading a reliable information, sites where you can find videos, information about new premieres, special contents of films…. You also could read (last week) about one of the most important events that occurred these year related to American cinema which was the recurrence on the stages of the great pair of actors “Danny and Sandy” (John Travolta and Olivia Newton John) singing “ You are the one that i want”, without ignoring the post dedicated to the great Al Pacino, one of the most important actors of the 70s cinema, a great example to follow and professional.

Al Pacino, great actor of the 70s. Source:

John and Olivia singing together in te recurrence. Source:

A really enjoyable and (unfortunately) short journey trough the american cinema of the 60s and 70s. 

Three minutes of song, that's it.

You turn on the radio and it starts to sound a song that you have never heard. Somehow something that you cannot explain wake up inside you, it is like a sensation that says that this song hace been written and composed only for you, just for that moment that you are living.You close your eyes, let the music get in you.
And it ends, just like ends everything. Three minutes of song, that's it. Now you only can repeat it again, and again, and again; just to try to repeat that experience that you have lived.

Something like that have happened to me with these posts, my song has just ended and I want to repeat it once more. It is like the time wanted to run away and I tried to stop it but I could not. 
I just hope that in this career that we have run together, we have achieve the goal of remember every song that has been important in music in the USA's history (from the past to the currents ones).
We have known the 27 Club , we have hug our dear Freddie ; because music is for you  and for everyone, because we know that we are living the XXI century and its chances  . Because "music gives life to everything"  although a song only lasts three minutes, that's it.
Finally, I really hope that I had make you sing and dance, which is just another way of smiling.

The best way to explain this is with songs, which is what this is all about. Just like Scorpions say maybe The best is yet to come because music will exist 'Til the end of time.

Michael Jackson "This is it" Official music video.

Loreto Sesma Gotor.

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

All in for USA sports

This sports section touches its end, having covered a wide range of different sports. The main character has been this one, sport in general. The aim was not to focus only on soccer, but to get to know better sports such as basketball, swimming, football, hockey... However, soccer has also been present due to the fact that the author considered people needed to take into consideration unknown facts.

The experience has been fulfilling, because it has enabled me to be aware of the main sports sources and also information sources in general, related to the US media. It's always interesting to be familiar with this kind of platforms, who knows if they will need a journalist in a recent future,

Furthermore, this activity helps us to enrich ourselves and be able to work about stuff that we're not experts about. On the whole, you learn, you expose what you alredy knew and you acquire the habit of refreshing a blog, with a weekly publication.

There has been 6 posts in 6 weeks all of them limitated to a single topic. We started with the personal connection with the topic ("Jumping to fame"), I focused on Michael Jordan and my previous experience with sports. Moreover, the second post was titled "The achilles heel of Pelé", a relevant case study. You might think, why soccer? you have Jordan, Phelps, Armstrong, Muhammad Ali... But, did anybody know that Pelé played in USA?

With "11 platforms not to be missed" we learnt about the different sources we were talking before, probably the most tough post to write due to the thorough research it is needed. I chose Phelps, "The Baltimore shark" for the prominent character, taking into account that he is probably the best sportsman in USA's history. Besides, I wanted to put the spotlight on a different sport; swimming.

"Sports Big Four" treated about the social media, highly related to the online sources I have mentioned before. Eventually, "Sports brushtrokes in 2014" was a summary of all the main events that have taken place within 2014.

To sum up, I hope you have enjoyed not only this section but also the others. A huge effort has turned into the blog we see today. We're always open to suggestions and critics. Thanks for reading!

Tomás Orihuela

For the last time

We have been together for six weeks being in contact with a post per week. The first post was an introduction about the topic. I talked about the idea that Advertising was essential in this world made out of communications: to sell, to provoke emotions in consumers, to revolutionize social habits, etc..

The following week   I showed you a great campaign made by Droga5, which included two products: Bing and Jay Z’s  autobiography. With that example we learned how was done an excellent campaign and how it achieved two goals: increase the usage of Bing by encouraging people to search Jay Z’s book’s pages.

As knowing lastest things about Advertising is very important, I published a post with 4 advertising online sources you’d to know. Here appeared websites like The One Club, Adeevee, Advertising Age and AdWeek.

The 10th of October you could learn more about the best advertiser… David Ogilvy, an advertiser man. He was the one who created the Advertising agency Ogilvy and Mather, which now is very known.

Because Social Media is doing great things happen in Advertising, I thought that a post about an example about Advertising + Social Media would be fine. Here we have Flying on social media, a post in which I explain how, using social networks and online presence, Air Asia sold more airline tickets from Australia to Malaysia despite being a small company.

To begin to close the circle of the Advertising topic, I gathered the best ads of the 2014. Here he had spots from Doritos, Audi and Volkswagen. They were very funny, so I recommend you to whatch them or re-whatch them.

It has been a good experience publishing posts about Advertising that, as you may see, is a topic which I like a lot. I have designed the blog which is another thing that I love doing: coding and designing. Maybe you haven’t realize that the background color changes depending the time you enter to the blog… Magic. I hope to create another blog soon talking about Advertising, coding, designing or something else.

For the last time,

Iñigo Taibo
Advertising and PR