jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

For the last time

We have been together for six weeks being in contact with a post per week. The first post was an introduction about the topic. I talked about the idea that Advertising was essential in this world made out of communications: to sell, to provoke emotions in consumers, to revolutionize social habits, etc..

The following week   I showed you a great campaign made by Droga5, which included two products: Bing and Jay Z’s  autobiography. With that example we learned how was done an excellent campaign and how it achieved two goals: increase the usage of Bing by encouraging people to search Jay Z’s book’s pages.

As knowing lastest things about Advertising is very important, I published a post with 4 advertising online sources you’d to know. Here appeared websites like The One Club, Adeevee, Advertising Age and AdWeek.

The 10th of October you could learn more about the best advertiser… David Ogilvy, an advertiser man. He was the one who created the Advertising agency Ogilvy and Mather, which now is very known.

Because Social Media is doing great things happen in Advertising, I thought that a post about an example about Advertising + Social Media would be fine. Here we have Flying on social media, a post in which I explain how, using social networks and online presence, Air Asia sold more airline tickets from Australia to Malaysia despite being a small company.

To begin to close the circle of the Advertising topic, I gathered the best ads of the 2014. Here he had spots from Doritos, Audi and Volkswagen. They were very funny, so I recommend you to whatch them or re-whatch them.

It has been a good experience publishing posts about Advertising that, as you may see, is a topic which I like a lot. I have designed the blog which is another thing that I love doing: coding and designing. Maybe you haven’t realize that the background color changes depending the time you enter to the blog… Magic. I hope to create another blog soon talking about Advertising, coding, designing or something else.

For the last time,

Iñigo Taibo
Advertising and PR

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