domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

Six weeks for discovering the inside of the fashion world

Blogs had always been a curiosity for me. The way bloggers post regularly, how they know about the subject they are talking about and the way they write about it.

This blog has been a great discovery to me, not only through writing the posts but by investigating and doing research on my subject. I have learnt things about fashion and the fashion world, where I would like to belong to, as soon as I finish my University studies. 

Thorough six weeks, we have posted various entries with a wide range of topics, weekly. This topics were nevertheless, in some way, limited as we had to post according to a scheme which limited our creation boundaries. However, these limitations have also helped us deepen in our subjects and learn different aspects of them, which we wouldn't have learned that easily. 

Even though our blog was related to the USA, in week four, I thought that Coco Chanel was the only one that really deserved to be talked about, as an important character in the fashion world.

This blog has enabled me to let my imagination fly far and wide. I would like to thank every single one of you who has visited our blog and specially Miss Erica Negri for giving us this amazing opportunity and letting us discover the magic inside blogging.  

As i said on my first post: "Fashion. It's a way of living to many. It's an art. It's a peek into our personalities. It's playfulness. It's an escape or a disguise. Fashion is the mean people use to express who they really are, or it is also the way to hide their true personalities. Fashion is what you want it to be. Fashion is you"

Finally, I would like to finish with a quote of the recently passed away fashion designer, Óscar dela Renta:
"Everyday you have to reinvent yourself".

Óscar dela Renta
Source: Common Search- Newspaper ABC

1 comentario:

  1. Thank YOU for the hard work! Only one thing: add a brief recap of what you talked about in each blog post, adding internal links to your previous posts when you mention them (possibly inserting the TITLES of those posts).
